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Creating an album cover design

Young guys from Philadelphia make a great rap. For this team, we created a cover design for their first album. Check it out dudes!

Client: “Love RAP”, Philadelphia
Categories: Branding, Identity
Start date: 02 March 2020
Finish date: 07 March 2020


The main goal of this project is to create a product that will best solve the task. Having received data from the client, our team started to work. After conducting a very detailed market research, we created a series of prototypes for the logo, palette and elements of corporate identity.


The tasks that our client set for us inspired us and we made an incredible product. A fine line between modern style and classical forms is what has become the result of our work. In the process of creation, we constantly maintained feedback with the client.

It was hard work. Today we can say that this is a worthy result for our professional team. The client is satisfied with the result and we received a very flattering response, which is nice. A wonderful task and an even more excellent embodiment, this is what we live and breathe for. Do you want such a result?

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